about us
Agri2value was started by Hugo Lamers as a consulting and trade assistance company in 2016 and is registered in the Netherlands. Since, Agri2value assisted over 24 companies as trade consultant or as agent with exports to Europe. Besides, Agri2value has been hired by various trade, export and agricultural development projects of Bioversity International (CGIAR), Wageningen University & Research Centre (WUR), GFA consulting, Agriculture & Finance Consultants (AFC) and the Centre for the Promotion of Imports from Developing Countries (CBI).
I am a social entrepreneur willing to help others as well...

My Mission
Make the agricultural value chain more sustainable, fair and profitable all around the world, particular for farmers.
My Values
I strive to be honest, practical and down to earth. I want to help you to grow your company. Your sucess is my sucess.